Branding 5

COPPERHILL, a modern American kitchen & tap room set in a storied 125-year old Victorian farmhouse, opened three years ago. I have worked closely with the owner to continue to evolve their brand. This includes the layout of an event brochure, a redesign of several menus, and an update to their business card.
I created the schematics that appear on the brochure using Adobe Illustrator. Photographs were provided by another photographer.
In addition, I was commissioned to create a series of illustrations (my Farm to Table series in the illustrations section) to enhance their event space.
Project Overview:
- Menu Redesign (Brunch, Lunch, Dinner, Bar, Desert)
- Events Brochure w/ Schematics
- Business Card
- 10 Comissioned Illustrations for Event Space
- Additional Commissioned Illustrations for Menus/Business Card
- Staff T-shirt Designs